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End of year show in Suzhou, China

July 3, 2019
Image of exhibition from the end of year show in Suzhou

This June we held the first end-of-year show at our new China Centre in Suzhou. The exhibition showcased paintings and craft objects created by our full-time and part-time students. They include studies of Chinese patterns, hand woven textiles, ceramic tiles, marquetry boxes, Islamic Illumination designs, Chinese landscape paintings, Buddhist figure painting and Chinese garden design.

The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts China Centre, in partnership with the Yuan Centre offers a one-year Foundation Certificate in traditional arts. Students learn traditional design, fine art and craft skills from renowned international masters. Teachers come from China and abroad, bridging Eastern and Western philosophies and practices.

Here are some video documentaries of some of the course modules.

The course supports students to prepare a portfolio. Modules include: the geometry of Chinese patterns, pigment preparation with egg and oil painting techniques; Chinese landscape painting, Buddhist figure painting, Chinese geomancy; principles of geometry in design, Chinese calligraphy; Islamic Illumination; Chinese garden design, in addition to the crafts of ceramics, woodwork and textile weaving.

The course also includes many study visits to the famous gardens of Suzhou and to the local museums.

Our students shared with us the life-changing perspectives revealed through studying with us in China. We are delighted with the outcome of the first year of this new Centre. We extend our thanks to our local partners for a very successful programme and exhibition.

Click here to find out more about the course or to apply.

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