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Olga Lobanova

Olga Lobanova

My second year self-directed project is an exploration of traditional painting techniques of Persian miniature paintings.

At the PFSTA I was delighted to be given an opportunity to learn techniques used by the great masters. Miniature painting is a long process. It involves a great amount of knowledge, research and experimentation on how to work with natural and traditional materials. It requires great discipline, patience and focus. Higher-level quality of line is achieved through constant repetition and practice. It is through practice and experimentation that the theme for my Part Two project began to emerge.

Throughout the course I have been extensively researching the best possible materials, such as pigments, paper brushes and so on. My aim was to explore the best possible ways to utilise materials that are available in the United Kingdom for the purpose of miniature painting. I wanted to maintain the integrity of the traditional technique as much as possible using resources available to me locally.

As I was doing this an image began to emerge and I realised that subconsciously I was so inspired by the fact that I am painting with semi-precious minerals that naturally I was depicting mountainous scenery in the Persian miniature style

Nature is filled with geometric pattern. Those patterns shine in all their glory in every leaf, flower and living creature. Geometry is one of the most significant aspects of the traditional arts and therefore it is taught extensively throughout the MA Programme. It is the teaching of creating and exploring geometric patterns that has inspired my second painting. I have been looking at geometric patterns that are commonly used in Persian miniature paintings and was inspired to paint an imaginary city filled with edifices in traditional style.

It is linked to the first painting by having fragments of nature next to the city wall. It is a continuation of the journey of one’s soul through the realm of nature to the human realm.

All three paintings are linked by the same theme of our journey walking through the garden of life.

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