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Jia Niu

Jia Niu

My second-year project is inspired by traditional Dun-huang patterns and geometry. In my own painting practice I am trying to express beauty through combining an understanding of Dun-huang patterns and geometric structures with my own ideas. I will be presenting different themes and content through this painting practice.

In this 2nd Year project, traditional Dun-huang patterns have been used as the fundamental element of my drawing. This is not only because Dun-huang patterns are typical representatives of Chinese traditional patterns which I am familiar with, but also studying and practising them has been a strong influence on my personal growth experience. Dun-huang is my hometown and I have been touched by Dun-huang paintings and design since I was a child. After two years studying at The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Art, I now have a new understanding of the Dun-huang patterns. This originated from the many geometry classes I had at the School. It has also given me a greater knowledge of geometrical patterns and their true essence. All of this has given me great inspiration for my own art practice. I aim to bring this kind of inspiration into my work and hope to present a re-invigorated form of Chinese art that is both different from what we have seen in the past but is at the same time rooted in it.

My project is divided into three areas. The theme of my first area of study is named “The Patterns of Dun-huang”; this is based on my personal memories and feelings about my hometown. The second part mainly reflects my rational thinking about patterns through geometry. The third part is about the “The Cycle of Life”, which is the integration and sublimation of the parts above.

This project is not the end but a starting point of my art journey. I’ll continue using the elements of Chinese traditional patterns and geometry to make more combinations and creations, to express my understanding and love of this art form.

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