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Burnley Schools

September 20, 2024
Burnley Schools

In Burnley, students from five schools collaborated to create decorative artwork for an interfaith centre at the heart of the newly-built Burnley College campus. Week-long workshops explored universal principles of design in nature and art. The students produced remarkable pieces of permanent artwork: a set of four folding door screens depicting the Tree of Life in each season; floor panels inspired by mosaics in Westminster Abbey; cushions painted and embroidered with microcosmic patterns found in nature; the ‘Ceiling Star’, a painted and gilded sculpture representing Platonic solids and patterns found in the night sky. These are all now essential aspects of how this beautiful interfaith space is used and appreciated.

Later phases of our work in Burnley involved workshops that saw students producing painted and embroidered garden tapestries. We also ran workshops for primary and secondary teachers to help ease primary pupils’ transition to secondary school.

The permanent exhibition of the works of art created in these workshops is a constant reminder of the unifying results that can be attained by a community whose efforts are directed together towards a common goal.

This project was part of the effort by HRH The Prince of Wales and seven of his charities to encourage the social, economic and environmental regeneration of Burnley. The School worked in cooperation with the Lancashire County Council, and with support from The Altajir Trust and the British Asian Trust.

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