New publication by PhD researcher, Christian de Vietri
It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of a new publication written by one of the School’s PhD researchers titled, TRIKA MAṆḌALA PRAKĀŚA: Illuminating the mandalas of Abhinavagupta’s Tantrāloka
Written and illustrated by the artist Christian de Vietri, Trika Maṇḍala Prakāśa is the first comprehensive presentation of all Trika mandala designs described by the great Kashmiri theologian Abhinavagupta in his 10th-century magnum opus, the Tantrāloka. Each meticulously translated and decoded configuration is elegantly displayed verse-by-verse in full colour with precise measurements. The 430 images that make up this unique large-format work of art and scholarship are contained within a textual exposition that situates them historically, philosophically, and spiritually while providing context for their contemporary application.