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New Centre for Traditional Arts Opens in Karachi, Pakistan

October 31, 2017
A student participating in one of the first workshops at the centre

Our new centre in Karachi, Pakistan, the VM Centre for Traditional Arts (VMCTA) has opened very successfully. For two weeks in October and November, our team ran a first series of short courses in traditional geometry and illumination, and gave two public lectures. More than 200 members of the public attended as word-of-mouth built up every day. A new series of practical courses and lectures on the traditional arts of Pakistan is now being planned for 2018.

In June this year, the VM Trust for Education and The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts confirmed a three-year partnership and The VM Centre for Traditional Arts was born. Generously supported by the Rangoonwalla family’s charitable foundations, VMCTA draws inspiration from Pakistan’s artistic traditions and cultural heritage. It aims to revive traditional skills and techniques and to revitalize the relevance of traditional arts in contemporary Pakistan.

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